This was our old mission statement. I plan on writing up something soon to replace it since Boaz is no longer a part of the group. It should be done before the year 2005. For now, let's just say the mission statement is "we are a group of music fans who love sharing with each other, have the equipment to make high quality recordings, and don't rip people off." If this sounds like something you're interested in, feel free to join. All we ask is that you have a 3-head tape deck and/or a cd burner and are willing to make honest trades with other members of the group.
Also, this site will be upgraded before the fall is over. If you've got some ideas, post them to the list. Their should be some new trees soon, and possibly a searchable tapelist directory as well.
The Two Decks "Member of the Year" award winners are below.
This award goes out to the member who has consistantly gone beyond the call of duty when it comes to generousity and goodwill towards others in the taping community. A donation of $1,000,000 has been made to the Hippie Rehabilitation Fund in the names of each winner.
1999 Member of the year: Dave Madden
2000 Member of the year: Mike Pennington
2001 Member of the year: Mike Rhoades
Bad Trader Alerts!
Micheal Flynn
1809 South Main St.
New Castle, Indiana
He uses several webtv addresses and names, such as "FromIND," and he's crafty. Don't let him burn you.
Also, Taylor Barstow has ripped quite a few people off for CD's in this group. When he completes a trade, the tapes/discs sound great. But ask yourself if it's worth the risk. And if you do talk to him, tell him to email Geoff at and let me know when I'll be getting my discs and when the 4 other people he screwed will be getting their's. Thanks!
And then there is Steve Cole ( Steve burned all of his kids on tree #7 and has been less than consistant with his trades. Again, ask yourself if it's worth the risk...
Actually, Steve finally contacted me and should be removed from our wall of shame as soon as his kids get their discs. (Updated 7/2/01)